Wonder Woman 1984 Delayed to August 14, 2020

Wonder Woman 1984 has officially been delayed.

With the growing concerns over COVID-19, the closure of virtually all movie theaters in the United States, and the safety of all fans, Wonder Woman 1984 director, Patty Jenkins, took to Twitter to explain the decision:

“We made Wonder Woman 1984 for the big screen and I believe in the power of cinema,” said Jenkins. “In these terrible times, when theater owners are struggling as so many are, we are excited to re-date our film to August 14th, 2020 in a theater near you, and pray for better times for all by then.”

With the growing pressure from fans to release the film digitally, Jenkins put her foot down and will not release the film to the masses before the official release in theaters.

I, for one, am completely behind her decision. These are difficult times for all, and after all the hard work to get this film done, why should we be cheapened for a version to fit our TV screens before seeing it in its full IMAX glory?

Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot, chimed in:

“In these dark and scary times, I am looking forward to a brighter future ahead. Where we can share the power of cinema together again,” said Gadot on Twitter as she also announced the new date of the film.

Whare are your thought on the delay of the film? Was it the right call, or do you think they should have released the film digitally? Let us know in the comments below!

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Pedro Heizer

The founder and host of the Comic Misfits podcast, Pedro is a huge comic book fan that believes all fans should have a seat at the geekdom table, not just the ones who have been here for a long time. Comic Misfits is a website, and podcast where fans from all walks of the fandom can feel comfortable talking and learning about their favorite characters and even learning a thing or two about a new character!

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